Eicosanoids – what you need to know

  Eicosanoids (eye-COS-a-noids) are little known molecules that have a prominent impact on your health.  They are derived from omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids (EFA) and have various roles in regulating your blood pressure, blood clotting, body...

Healthy fat for you

  FAT – the 3rd and final macronutrient to know.  Fats are important for 3 main reasons: they are the catalyst for making eicosanoids (more on that tomorrow); they make food taste better; and they cause the body to release a hormone called cholecystokinin...

Protein facts good to know!

Protein is the basis to all life; is more plentiful than any other substance in our body (excluding water) which includes muscle mass, skin, hair, nails and eyes; is the main structural component of our cells; is essential in our immune system; is crucial in...

Worst nutritional advice ever!

The WORST nutritional advice I ever received is when I asked a personal trainer what I  should eat mid-afternoon to curb my hunger and give me energy till dinner time and was advised to eat a bagel.  She said they are low fat and low calorie.  Tried this and realized...

What is your GI IQ?

GI stands for glycemic index, which is the rate in which a carb converts to sugar and enters the bloodstream.  The higher the number the faster it gets there; the lower the number the slower it goes. Most white breads, grains, cereals, rice, potato and pasta nearly...